Many people nowadays have a business they run at home or a school they attend from home. Being at home and getting business done is becoming more frequent then having to leave the house. Many people sit at home and do a variety of things such as pay a bill, attend school, work from home, shop for groceries or any such needed household items and all without leaving your home. We spend many hours a day online for a variety of reasons and for that, it makes much things be done faster. I often use my computer at home in the bed while watching tv or just relaxing. I was given the great opportunity to try out a product that can help us when we work from home. I was given the product for free in return for an honest and unbiased review, so here we go.
The product is the Accuon Adjustable Vented Laptop Table Computer Desk which is made by the company Accuon and sold online by the company Stock Port. It is silver in color and made of aluminum alloy. The weight of it is light but at the same time it is very strong and sturdy. It comes with a built in fan which is powered by a USB cord which keeps it from over heating. When you want to put it away, you can easily store it anywhere. The table also has a side tray for use of a mouse, pad, drink or even a lamp if you like. It can hold up to 30 pounds and this is because of it's 360 degree swivel legs attached to it that gives it balance.
I put this laptop table desk together all by myself and had to use no tools to do so. It was very easy where all you had to do was snap in all the leg pieces as I would call them. Depending on the way you want to use the laptop table, being low or high while you are on the bed or wherever you just have to push in the button on the side of one of the legs and pull the leg up or down to go higher or lower. I usually had it low while on the bed because I am short so I am low on the bed. I love using it because it helps me type on my tablet and laptop while slouching in my bed. It holds very sturdy so you won't have to worry about it moving or falling over if you position it right using the legs. I was able to use it while I was in a car with my family, right in the front seat and surprisingly it stayed still for the most part. The laptop table can be used flat as well keeping it in the position your legs are in.
I recommend it because it comes very handy whether you are home or on the go. It can be used at work, school, home or on the road. Another great thing is that it isn't too expensive only costing you $29.99. I would say to consider buying one if you are often on the computer while at home and have a comfortable spot.
Find it on amazon at:
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