Many people try to find many ways to make their exercise more better so they get the results they really want and quicker. At times it may be hard to get the results you want fast and it usually takes about months. But recently I have been given the opportunity to try out a product that is suppose to help with this issue of not having the best results you want for when you work out. It was free in exchange for a honest and unbiased review.
The product is the EX9 Kinesiology Tape made by the company Exo Trinity Sports. The tape comes in 4 colors which are blue, black, pink and beige. The tape is suppose to be helping in speeding up recovery if you are in pain or hurt, reduce fatigue if are suffering from it and increase performance. It can be used for a nuber of activities ranging from boxing, cycling and weight lifting. The material of the tape in made of mostly cotton. It is free of latex. When you are using this tape it stays on for a period of up to 5 days at most.The tape is 2 x 16.4'' in size and costed only $19.95.
I would recommend this product to anyone who needs help with their exercise and the pain that comes with it.
You can find it on amazon at:
The product is the EX9 Kinesiology Tape made by the company Exo Trinity Sports. The tape comes in 4 colors which are blue, black, pink and beige. The tape is suppose to be helping in speeding up recovery if you are in pain or hurt, reduce fatigue if are suffering from it and increase performance. It can be used for a nuber of activities ranging from boxing, cycling and weight lifting. The material of the tape in made of mostly cotton. It is free of latex. When you are using this tape it stays on for a period of up to 5 days at most.The tape is 2 x 16.4'' in size and costed only $19.95.
This is my first time using kinesiology tape for exercising and I kind of like it. When you buy the tape it isn't pre-cut so you have to cut it to your length you choose. I like that it goes anywhere on the body and makes your muscles work better so therefore you get the results you want faster. When I used the tape I applied it to my legs, arm and had my sister put it on my back. It comes with some instructions on how to apply the tape correctly and shows you in detail where to apply them if you want it on your arms, legs, back, feet or wherever. I noticed that after working out my body was more sore than usual because I haven't been working out much. The thing that I noticed most about the tape is that it helps you with any pain. It has made my exercise much more better.
I would recommend this product to anyone who needs help with their exercise and the pain that comes with it.
You can find it on amazon at:
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