So I have tried it out 4 days ago and it was very easy to use. The instructions are simple and easy, plus they have a picture instruction on the back with the words in case it may be a little confusing for some of you. So you begin by cutting open, then place it on your foot as you would do a sock. Next step is to remove the sides and press on them, but I couldn't figure out what sides to pull off or down so I just folded them. You then put your regular socks over it and let it sit for 1 hour if your calluses aren't too hard but if they are then leave it for 1 hour and 10 minutes. Lastly, you then wash your feet with water after removing the mask from your foot. You also have to apply the foot cream after to make this work or else you probably will have callused feet. By the way it doesn't come with the foot treatment cream so I just used one I have from another company.
They have a tip that soaking your feet for 10 minutes will help make it soften faster, so I choose to do this and I have to say that my feet are much better than they were before. They didn't get super baby soft and stay that way, but I could say that it is soft compared to it being hard and dry like before.
Alright so let me tell you that this product did actually work for me when I used it and the peeling looks gross but it's nothing really and it's better than having hard dry feet. I had my peeling start around day 4 at night so I can't tell you that it will start on day 4 or before because everyone's skin is different. Yours may start before day 4 or after, it's all on your skin type.
*This product does tell you they don't recommend if you have G6PD, DIABETES, REYES SYNDROME OR SALICYLATE intolerance.
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