I know I'm someone who has a lot of gadgets and things i keep on me at most times. I have a number of things such as a tablet, tablet keyboard, usb cords, iPod, power banks and a few phones even. I have most of the these things when I leave my house and I tend to have them all over the place inside my bag. This can become a real headache at times and I wish I had something to place them in. I'm happy to say that I have something to hold most off my gadgets in and it's not bulky neither.
The Travel Organizer Case has been really good for me with holding my gadgets. it was able to hold my keyboard for my tablet, USB cords, a phone, power bank and headphones with more space to share. It doesn't wet any of items on the inside if the case gets wet which is good and it isn't heavy. I have to say i like it a lot and I"m glad that I have it.
*I have received this product in exchange for unbiased review. All words are my own.
You can find yours at: https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias&field-keywords=electronics+organizer&field-brand=Dot&Dot&rh=i%3Aaps%2Cssx%3Arelevance
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