So I will begin by telling you that I absolutely love the baby monitor. It is my first time using one since I am a first time mom. The ease of the baby monitor and putting it together is a piece of cake let me say. I say this because there is no app to download to watch your baby, all you have to do is charge the monitor screen; so there's no need for wifi. As for the camera, you have to just place it where you see fit and plug it in with the adapter it comes with. The baby monitor has a screen size of 2.4",which is big enough seeing how you can place it anywhere you want or carry it around the house with you. One of the best features to me on the baby monitor was the 2 way radio where you not only listen to the sound in your baby's room but also speak not it, so if your baby is crying you can comfort them with your voice until you reach them. This works best for me because my daughter calms down as soon as she hears my voice and then sees me. I also like that you can zoom...
Get the facts about multiple products and see if they are price worthy. I go in detail about how the product works and test out whether they stand up to the standards or not.